Power Tools for readers of CET Yourself Free


Discover your Emotional Resilience Score

Discover your current level of Emotional Resilience and how to harness your unique Celestial Power to calm your mind, regulate your emotions and meet life’s challenges with greater confidence and strength.

Experience CETfree

Clear blocks, negative emotions and limiting beliefs getting in the way of your success with a month FREE in CETfree Group Coaching 

An incredibly powerful process that uses psycho-spiritual technology, it enables you to release all negative emotions and limiting beliefs from the past that are holding you back.

Meditation can help improve mental and emotional health, and this free meditation course will teach you how to do it. You’ll learn different meditation techniques, how to find the right one for you, and what to do when your mind won’t quiet down.The course is easy to follow, and you can start improving your resilience today!

  1. How meditation can improve your mental, emotional and physical health.
  2. How to go into and come out of meditation.
  3. 11 different ways to meditate.
  4. How to find the right way for you.
  5. What to do when your mind won’t go quiet.
  6. The easy (and the hard) way to meditate.
  7. The single most effective way to meditate that will work every time.
  8. How to find the perfect meditation style for you.
  9. The little known scientific link between meditating and spiritual powers.

Discover your Spiritual Leader PowerCentre™

Activating your inner power so that you are better able to make the small or large changes you want in your life.

  • This book will guide you through a model of activating your inner power so that you are better able to make the small or large changes you want.
  • Understand the different PowerCentres™ and how to use them to empower your life.
  • Identify your strongest PowerCentre™ and learn how to tap into the others to support you when you want them.


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