About Dr Lisa Turner

My Mission Is To

Of Your Own
Divine Nature

Hello There!

Hi, I’m Dr Lisa Turner, and I’d love to share a bit of my story with you, not just as a best-selling author, entrepreneur, or educator, but as someone who’s walked a long path to find awakening and purpose, even when it was much easier to disconnect or turn my back on the world.

My journey has been one of discovery, blending the worlds of science and spirituality, and finding a way to help others through their own transformations. I truly believe that the path to unlocking human potential comes from elevating consciousness to a level where emotions take on an entirely different meaning and purpose. 

My life took an unexpected turn when I was a teenager, leading me down a path that no one should ever have to walk. It was a difficult period, and when I emerged, I carried with me the weight of experiences that profoundly shaped my view of the world and myself.

I was determined to find a way through the darkness, not just for me but for anyone who felt trapped by their past.

Armed with an engineering brain and a natural curiosity, I’ve always pushed the boundaries of what is true (scientifically speaking) and what is yet to be proven. I seek to find that magic spot where they work together in harmony. 

I tried everything you could imagine, seeking that elusive key to lasting inner peace. It was a journey of trial and error, of highs and lows, and along the way, I learned an invaluable lesson: healing is not a one-size-fits-all process.

It was this realization that led me to create Conscious Emotional Transformation (CET). Drawing from my scientific training, I meticulously researched and pieced together what truly works in healing, blending this knowledge with spiritual and psychological insights. CET was born out of necessity. Today, it is a tool offered by practitioners, coaches and healers for rapid and profound healing.

For over two decades, I’ve had the privilege of working with incredible individuals from all walks of life—coaches, military personnel, celebrities, and many more. It’s been a journey of shared healing, learning, and growth. Each person’s story is a reminder of our shared humanity and the resilience that lies within us all.

Teaching CET to other healers, visionary leaders, and practitioners has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It’s heartening to see the ripple effect of change as they, in turn, help others navigate their paths to healing and transformation.

People often ask me how I bridged the gap between the worlds of engineering and spirituality. To me, they’re not as far apart as they might seem. Both scientists and spiritual seekers are driven by a deep desire to understand the world around them, to ask questions, and to discover truths.

A little more about me...

First and foremost, I am a lifelong learner. I wasn’t born with a “magical gift”, and I wasn’t born into a particularly spiritual family.  I wasn’t always happy or confident, and I certainly wasn’t psychic. I may have lots of fancy letters that go after my name, but they basically mean I am a scientist and I hold a real PhD. I did warn you I have tried nearly every healing modality under the sun (over the past 30 years), so here is a list of my credentials:

As well as coaching, practitioner training, and other qualifications…

Personal therapy and healing influences

The following modalities influenced the creation of Conscious Emotional Transformation CET, weaving together the most powerful aspects of these therapies, marrying them into one easy-to-follow, non-invasive therapy that works time and time again.

Spreading the word of a more awakened world…
one talk at a time!

Our experiences, no matter how challenging, can become our greatest teachers. My path from surviving to thriving has shown me the power of resilience, the importance of healing, and the joy of helping others find their way.

Through CETfreedom, I hope to continue offering support, guidance, and a space for transformation to those seeking to rewrite their own stories.

Big Love,


Dr. Lisa Turner Books

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