How to collaborate with Lisa

How to JV with Lisa


Ok, so you’d like to JV, interview, or have some other idea to collaborate with Lisa! Great!

We get a lot of JV proposals, and we’re happy to partner with people. However, a lot of the proposals we receive are either not what we’re looking for or don’t include enough information for us to assess if they’re a good fit.

If you’re interested in working with Lisa as a JV partner, please read the important information below about how we select projects. If you feel your product or idea fits ALL the criteria in the description, we would love to hear from you!

Joint Venture Selection Criteria

1 – Win – Win

A joint venture should be mutually beneficial. In other words, we want to work with you because it will help both our businesses grow! It is not enough that we would get to promote your new product and get commissions. We would like to see some growth potential beyond just an affiliate cheque.

2 – Client avatar

We work with highly awakened, visionary leaders, coaches, practitioners, healers, mentors and spiritual teachers. We’re looking for people both highly interested in personal and spiritual development AND business-minded. If you are the owner of a large mailing list (5,000+) targeting these groups of people, we would love to connect with you to discuss the possibilities.

3 – Allow enough time

At CETfreedom, we’re all about planning ahead. We’re not the kind of company that will just throw up a promotion and hope for the best – we plan our promotional schedule months in advance, so we need plenty of notice to assess and plan a joint promotion.

That’s why we ask that you give us at least 3 months’ notice if you’d like to approach us about a joint promotion. Very occasionally we can squeeze something in more quickly, but generally we will require at least 3 months’ notice to assess and plan.

4 – Make it easy for us

We’re all about helping you sell your product. But, honestly, we don’t have time to write your sales copy for you. If you’re not a master copywriter, we highly suggest hiring a professional to enhance your sales materials for your product.

We don’t want to promote just anything – we want to promote products and programs that are high quality and benefit our clients and members. We only recommend companies that we believe in. That’s why it’s important to us that your website looks great, so that our clients and members can evaluate your company and product based on what they see online.

You will need to have promotional emails written and any social media content ready prepared.

5 – Get the topic right

Lisa has a wide range of expertise but can’t speak on every topic.

Talk titles and topics have included:

      • CET yourself Free: How you can turn your emotions into your power source, not your baggage with the gentle alchemy of Conscious Emotional Transformation.
      • Our Spiritual Tipping Point: the awakening of the species.
      • Mechanics of the Soul
      • Psy-Q” What’s your spiritual vibration and how to raise it
      • Lightworkers Journey Of Awakening
      • Spiritual Guide To Riches.
      • Activate Your Profit Chakras
      • Whole-body Leader PowerCentres
      • Becoming An Abundant Spiritual Leader
      • Orgasmic Secrets to Wealth and Higher Consciousness
      • Conscious vs Spiritual Leadership
      • Transcendence And Flow States.
      • Soul name: How to find your true calling and life’s purpose.

Note that Lisa can tailor the topic and information to suit your audience. If you have the right audience, we can usually find something Lisa can speak on that will excite them.

6 – Audience size

Lisa loves being interviewed on the topics of her expertise, but she’s very selective about which interviews she does.

She looks for a live audience of at least 100 people or, if it’s a pre-recorded interview, it must reach a thousand or more people. She may consider being interviewed for a smaller audience if the topic is unique and will allow her to develop a new product out of it.

7 – Know your figures

It really helps us to make an accurate assessment of the project if you already know your conversion and sales statistics.

8 – What’s in it for us?

We like to help people. But we also like to make sure it’s mutually beneficial. So, tell us about the biggest benefit of partnering with you right at the top of your proposal. We receive many emails that go on and on about the product, filled with links and videos for us to watch and we simply don’t have the time to read or watch them all!

9 – Co-creating

We love to work with other entrepreneurs to create products and programs that complement each other. Your expertise, however, must complement Lisa’s (otherwise we can simply create the product alone). Any joint program must also be in alignment with and complement the CETfreedom Values.

When you submit your proposal, please make it clear how your program complements CETfreedom’s programs. How is it different? How does it add to what we already offer? How is it in alignment with our values?

10 – Must have leverage

We’re a unique business model, built entirely around our founder Lisa’s ideal lifestyle.

Any joint ventures that will require extensive travel or time-consuming research, or simply don’t have the financial leverage Lisa is looking for, won’t be appropriate for the business.

11 – Endorsing your product or program

If you have a physical product you would like Lisa to review or endorse, you may request our mailing address to send it to.

Please note: endorsements are not guaranteed. Your product must fit our criteria and be of high quality for Lisa to consider endorsing it.

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