How emotionally resilient are you?

Is your past holding you back?

Clear blocks, negative emotions and limiting beliefs getting in the way of your success with a month FREE in CETfree Group Coaching

Are you stuck? Stuck in a rut that you can’t seem to get out of?

Stuck in a vicious cycle of uncertainty and doubt and constantly feeling like a fraud?

Do you feel blocked and unhappy and desperately, hopelessly hurt?

How much fear and pain and anxiety are you holding on to?

Are you feeling like you aren’t tapping into your full potential?

Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes?

You need CETfree Group Coaching.

What is CET?

CET or Conscious Emotional Transformation is an emotional release technology.

An incredibly powerful process that uses psycho-spiritual technology, it enables you to release all negative emotions and limiting beliefs from the past that are holding you back.

A unique methodology designed by our Founder, Lisa Turner, that allows you to heal in just a matter of hours, where other therapies can take years – CET allows you to get rid of the doubts and confusion that are plaguing your unconscious mind.

What’s more, you don’t have to do it alone


Welcome to CETfree Group Coaching

Whether you’re feeling disconnected with your purpose, or struggling to find clarity in your vision, the CETfreedom Group Coaching Programme can support you in breaking the patterns you have found yourself in.

CETfreedom Group Coaching gives you regular access to learn and apply CET, a proven system, in a group setting that will enable you to clear the blocks that are currently standing in the way of your success. CET taps into how you are making limiting decisions and holding yourself back from your own potential to be successful, be loved and welcome positive energy into your life. With CETfreedom Group Coaching, you can experience the value of CET first-hand and work on clearing the negative emotions getting in the way of your ultimate transformation. Because that’s what you’re worth.


What can CET do for you?

Frees you from the painful emotions and the limiting decisions you’ve been holding on to

Empowers you to gain mastery over your emotions without extensive years of therapy

Gives you the tools and clarity to become a high achiever

Frees you from the emotional pain and the limiting decisions you’ve been holding on to and clears the blocks that are stopping you from being emotionally resilient and realising your full potential

CET in real life

“Anyone who has experienced anxiety knows how painful and overwhelming it is; social anxiety can be even worse, because it is not limited to just one area of your life but can affect every aspect of living. I always faced the challenges social anxiety presented me with, I just never felt comfortable, always awkward, and always trying to ‘act ’calm and normal, while inside, literally feeling like I am fearing for my very survival. Working with Lisa (Turner) really aided my healing, and at such a fast pace. For my whole life, social interactions have been an unavoidable endurance … always fighting an inner battle. Now is a different story. I ENJOY social interactions!! It feels amazing!! Now the flow of give and take through communication is so much more beneficial for myself and those I am interacting with. Everyone who knows me well has noticed and commented on the difference. I am still me, just much MORE me!! This is what is possible. You can heal.

Jodie Liggett


Why are my limiting beliefs getting in the way of my potential?

 Limiting beliefs and making limiting decisions is the unconscious mind’s way of protecting us from past trauma or experiences with difficult or unresolved outcomes. You might be feeling anxious, stressed and consistently battling negative emotions. You might even be pushing away opportunities that are presenting themselves to you.

And whilst it is very much an internal state of mind, they end up creating our EXTERNAL REALITY.

Stop projecting your unconscious mind and release the negative emotions that are holding you back

CET in real life

“I feel more plugged into the grid, letting the energy flow.

I am more energised and fabulously lack the fear I had.”

Sian Ainsworth

CETfree Group Coaching Programme

The CETfreedom Group Coaching Programme introduces you to the CET method and helps you release the negativity that you are consciously feeling, removing the blocks that are getting in the way. 

It’s just that simple.

WITHOUT years of therapy, WITHOUT the years of meditation, 

WITHOUT constantly reliving your past failures – you can use CET to turn your thinking on its head and create a new reality for yourself. 

The unique technique taps into where you are making limiting decisions and enables you to become aligned with your purpose. With CETfreedom Group Coaching, you can remove and repair your resistance to love – allowing the emotion to be released, allowing that love energy to flow freely throughout your entire being and access your highest self.

Because that’s what you’re worth.

How does it work?

This is not a guided meditation, where you sit back, and all your worries just float off into the ether. For just £47 per month, you get to be in great company in an exclusive group, with those who are equally committed to regaining their inner strength and resilience and unleashing their potential.

CETfree Group Coaching gives you access to:

Are you holding yourself back from experiencing more joy, more happiness, more decisiveness?

Who Is CETfree Group Coaching For?

CETfree is for you if:

  • You feel stuck and want to move past your limiting beliefs
  • You are lacking clarity in your mission and purpose in life
  • You are holding on to negative emotions that have taken a hold of your experiences
  • You want inner strength and emotional resilience
  • You want to understand limiting decisions, and remove the hidden blocks to your success
  • You want to be able to think clearly
  • You want to be part of a group that is dedicated to breaking free of their barriers
  • You want to access your INNER POWER

Our Purpose

At CETfreedom, our whole purpose is to emotionally empower, transform and help you lean into your joy.

CET is for everyone.

It doesn’t discriminate between gender, traits, sexual orientation, or race. It doesn’t belittle your experiences as too small or too trivial.

CET is inclusive and is tailored for anyone willing to put in the work and make the change towards a more fulfilled and positive life.

The team behind CETfreedom

 We have been helping survivors of emotional trauma reset their lives for over 18 years.

It all started when our founder, Dr. Lisa Turner, broke free from the grips of a sexual abuser to reclaim her life – mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

What she ended up creating was a powerful healing technology called Conscious Emotional Transformation (CET) that brought together science and spirituality like never before.

CETfreedom and its team of certified coaches use this methodology to revolutionise how people experience their emotions by elevating consciousness and leaning into joy.



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