Applying Reality Transurfing in Daily Life

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

Reality Transurfing is a powerful philosophy that can be applied to everyday life to help overcome resistance, attract what you want, and improve relationships. By following the principles of Transurfing, individuals can shape their own reality and move towards their goals with ease.

Using Reality Transurfing to Overcome Resistance

Resistance is a common obstacle that can prevent individuals from achieving their goals. By using Reality Transurfing techniques, individuals can learn to overcome resistance and move towards their goals with ease. One of the key principles of Transurfing is to focus on the end result, rather than the process. By visualizing the desired outcome and focusing on the end result, individuals can overcome resistance and move towards their goals.

Using Reality Transurfing to Attract What You Want

Another key principle of Reality Transurfing is the idea that by following the path of least resistance, individuals can attract what they want into their lives. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, individuals can attract positive experiences and opportunities. This can be achieved through visualization techniques, positive affirmations, and other Transurfing techniques.

Using Reality Transurfing to Improve Relationships

Relationships are an important part of life, and Reality Transurfing can be used to improve relationships with others. By focusing on respect, love, and fun, individuals can improve their relationships with others and attract positive experiences. Transurfing techniques can also be used to overcome negative patterns and pendulums that can negatively impact relationships.

Overall, Reality Transurfing is a powerful philosophy that can be applied to everyday life to help individuals achieve their goals and improve their relationships. By focusing on the end result, attracting positive experiences, and improving relationships with others, individuals can shape their own reality and move towards a life of satisfaction and freedom.

Reality Transurfing and Mental Health

Reality Transurfing is a self-help approach that aims to shape one’s reality by following the path of least resistance. While it is not a replacement for therapy or counseling, some people may find it helpful as a complementary approach to mental health treatment. Here are some ways that Reality Transurfing principles may be applied to various mental health conditions:

Reality Transurfing and Depression

Depression is a mental health condition that can cause feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities. Reality Transurfing principles may be applied to depression by reducing the importance of negative thoughts and shifting focus towards positive outcomes. By visualizing positive outcomes and reducing the importance of negative thoughts, individuals with depression may be able to shift their reality towards more positive experiences.

Reality Transurfing and Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental health condition that can cause excessive worry, fear, and nervousness. Reality Transurfing principles may be applied to anxiety by reducing the importance of anxious thoughts and shifting focus towards solutions. By visualizing positive outcomes and reducing the importance of anxious thoughts, individuals with anxiety may be able to shift their reality towards more positive experiences.

Reality Transurfing and Other Mental Health Conditions

Reality Transurfing principles may also be applied to other mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorders. While it is important to note that Reality Transurfing is not a replacement for therapy or counseling, it may be a helpful complementary approach to mental health treatment. By following the path of least resistance and focusing on positive outcomes, individuals with mental health conditions may be able to shift their reality towards more positive experiences.

In summary, while Reality Transurfing is not a replacement for therapy or counseling, it may be a helpful complementary approach to mental health treatment. By following the principles of Reality Transurfing, individuals may be able to reduce the importance of negative thoughts and shift their reality towards more positive experiences.

Criticism of Reality Transurfing

Reality Transurfing is a controversial concept that has received criticism from both the scientific community and the general public. While some individuals have found success using Transurfing techniques, others have criticized the concept as being unscientific and potentially harmful.

Criticism from the Scientific Community

Critics from the scientific community have argued that Reality Transurfing lacks empirical evidence to support its claims. They argue that the concept of Transurfing is based on metaphysical and pseudoscientific beliefs, rather than empirical data. They also criticize Transurfing for its lack of a clear, testable hypothesis, and its reliance on vague, subjective concepts such as “pendulums” and “inner intention.”

Criticism from the General Public

Critics from the general public have also expressed concerns about Reality Transurfing. Some have criticized the concept for promoting a “magical thinking” mentality, which can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment. Others have criticized Transurfing for its emphasis on control and power, arguing that it can lead to an unhealthy attitude towards relationships and the world.

In addition, some individuals have expressed concern about the potential for Transurfing to be used as a substitute for professional therapy or counseling. While Transurfing can be a useful tool for personal growth and self-improvement, it is not a substitute for professional mental health care.

Overall, while some individuals have found success using Reality Transurfing techniques, it is important to approach the concept with a critical and discerning mindset. It is essential to recognize that Transurfing is not a magic solution or a substitute for professional mental health care.


After reviewing the available literature and resources on Reality Transurfing, it is difficult to make a definitive conclusion on whether it is a legitimate approach in therapy or counseling. While some sources suggest that it can be a useful tool in helping individuals reshape their reality and achieve their goals, others criticize its lack of empirical evidence and its reliance on metaphysical concepts.

One potential benefit of Reality Transurfing is its emphasis on personal responsibility and choice. By encouraging individuals to take ownership of their thoughts and actions, it may help them develop a stronger sense of agency and control over their lives. Additionally, the focus on identifying and pursuing one’s true desires and passions may help individuals find greater fulfillment and purpose.

However, critics of Reality Transurfing argue that its reliance on metaphysical concepts such as parallel realities and energy fields lacks scientific evidence and may lead individuals to engage in magical thinking. Additionally, some argue that its focus on individualism may overlook the importance of social and cultural factors in shaping one’s reality.

Overall, it is important for individuals to approach Reality Transurfing with a critical and discerning eye. While it may offer some benefits, it should not be viewed as a replacement for evidence-based therapeutic approaches. Therapists and counselors should carefully consider their clients’ needs and goals before incorporating Reality Transurfing into their practice, and should be prepared to address any potential concerns or reservations their clients may have.

Dr Lisa Turner


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