Kindness: let’s make it inherent, not extraordinary

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

In today’s world of social media, we often come across heartwarming stories about individuals who go above and beyond to help someone in need.

These tales of kindness and generosity can range from feeding a starving family to buying them a car or even a house.

We are quick to celebrate and applaud these extraordinary gestures, as they bring struggling individuals or families back to a state of normalcy from their desperate situations.

But have you ever stopped to think about what these stories truly signify? The underlying message is that someone had to step in and be unbelievably generous and magnanimous to bring these struggling individuals up to baseline. And while it is indeed heartening to witness such acts of kindness, I believe we should strive to create a society where such stories no longer exist.

I am not suggesting that we discourage acts of kindness or generosity. On the contrary, I want kindness to be an inherent quality within each of us, an innate part of who we are.

Instead of praising those who rescue others from their hardships, let us work towards a world where everyone is already at baseline.

Why should it be the norm to celebrate someone’s generosity for lifting another person out of a difficult situation?

Shouldn’t it be a given that everyone is already taken care of and does not require external assistance to meet their basic needs? I’m not implying that we eliminate the idea of hard work or personal responsibility. Rather, I am speaking about those individuals who are working tirelessly, holding multiple jobs, and still struggling to meet even the bare minimum.

It is disheartening to witness people who are working diligently and yet find themselves unable to reach baseline. They rarely ask for help, but their struggles are evident to those around them. In these instances, we often see individuals with means stepping in, saying, “I have some money, let me help you.” While their intentions are undoubtedly good, wouldn’t it be more meaningful to contribute in a way that empowers these individuals to stand on their own feet?

So, I propose that we abolish the need to celebrate these grand gestures of charity and support. Instead, let us focus on creating a society where nobody needs to rely on charity. Let us embed the notion of a divine right to baseline within our culture and society.

This idea goes beyond simply ensuring that nobody ever has to work again or lift a finger. It is about providing equal opportunities and support systems that allow individuals to thrive and succeed on their own terms. It is about addressing the underlying systemic issues that perpetuate inequality and hinder people from reaching baseline.

By shifting our focus from celebrating individual acts of generosity to building a society where baseline is a given, we can create a world where kindness is not an exception, but rather a fundamental part of our collective identity.

It is through such a transformation that we can truly make a lasting impact and create a more equitable and just society for all. 

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