What are you not doing?

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

It can help to have strategies to overcome procrastination.

We all have busy lives. So why do we procrastinate?

Do you have too much to do?

Maybe you don’t know how to do it.

Or you don’t actually want to do it.

Maybe you just want it done, or maybe you don’t really care about it or you’re not in the mood.

You might also believe that you work better under pressure, so you leave it to the last minute, using pressure to give you the motivation to do the thing you don’t know how to do.

Maybe you’re afraid, maybe it’s not good enough because it’s way better in your head than it could ever be in real life.


how do you overcome it?

Well, just start, get the tools, open the document, do it, get all the things in place, ready to do the thing.

Even if you trick yourself, telling yourself you’re going to do it later but will just get started now.

Notice what happens…

Now you can focus & break it down into much smaller steps.

Every time you complete one of those steps.

Tick it off.

Write the steps down, and then tick it off the list.

This triggers dopamine which then releases noradrenaline, which leads to the releasing of a little tiny bit of adrenaline, which is the brain chemical that gives you the motivation and energy to keep going.

What are your thoughts? Let me know, I’d love to hear from you.

Found this useful? Would love for you to leave a comment and tell us how you cope with procrastination.

Dr Lisa Turner


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