Transcender – The Cycle of Transcendence

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

Stage 7 - Transcender

A Transcender is an individual who has reached the highest stage of personal growth and self-realization. They possess a remarkable set of qualities that distinguish them as extraordinary beings. 

Transcenders exhibit a profound sense of autonomy, making decisions based on their values and beliefs rather than external pressures. They embrace complexity, engaging with the world in a nuanced and thoughtful manner. 

Creativity flows naturally from them, allowing them to generate novel ideas and make meaningful contributions to various fields. 

Qualities of a Transcender

Transcenders excel at integrating seemingly contradictory aspects of their personalities into a coherent self-concept, finding harmony within themselves. They prioritize inner growth, constantly seeking self-improvement and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world.

Openness to new experiences

You eagerly explore the unknown and seek opportunities for personal development. 

Strong sense of purpose and meaning

You have the ability to go beyond your immediate concerns, connecting with something larger than yourself, whether it’s a higher purpose, the broader human community, nature, or a spiritual dimension.

Valuing selflessness

You’ve experienced profound peak moments of joy, awe, and unity with the universe, which contribute to your overall well-being.

Autotelic and joyful

You find fulfilment in the process of activities rather than just the outcomes.  

Constantly improve and make changes in the world, your life, your work and other people’s lives.  

You make concrete and very real changes in your life and the world. No longer are your dreams and visions trapped in your mind.

You’re not afraid to take action and see the results of your efforts. You fully take responsibility for your own choices, happiness and success. When you encounter something that you don’t like you don’t whine and grumble and post on Facebook about how unfair things are in life.

You create CHANGE. 


Because you have achieved a level of life mastery, life is pretty good for you. So you can relax and enjoy it.  


Until … the cycle starts again and takes you to the next level. 


The sign of a true Transcender is your commitment to your continual personal evolution and to taking action.  

A true Transcender doesn’t get stuck here either. You move through this cycle again and again, sometimes within a day!  

A true Transcender now goes through the cycle of evolution consciously. They know the process, and they trust the process. They avoid getting stuck in any of the stages by staying aware, conscious and taking action, or consciously not taking action where necessary. 



Find out where you are in the Cycle of Transcendence HERE


Challenges of a Transcender

As you inspire and guide others, it’s important to encourage their independence and not foster dependency. Striking the right balance between support and self-sufficiency is key. 

Balancing Individual and Collective Needs

Finding a balance between your yearning to contribute to the greater good and taking care of yourself. As a Transcender you will have very high expectations of yourself. Remember, despite all your amazing skills and qualities, you are still human and need rest, time and peace.  

Isolation – nobody GETS you

True Transcenders are rare, as a result most people just won’t GET you or what you’re doing. Whilst they’re perusing material dreams, you’re out there changing the world. That can cause you to feel isolated or disconnected from those who haven’t reached a similar level of awareness. Find a group of other Transcendent beings or create one.  

Dealing with Expectations

Others might have high expectations of you, assuming you have all the answers. Managing these expectations and acknowledging your own limitations can be a challenge.  

Avoiding Carrying Everyone’s Problems

As you inspire others with your inner strength, competence, and capabilities, you might find that everyone expects you to be the strong one all the time. Others might expect you to save them and dump all their problems on you. Take care that you don’t end up carrying all the burdens, solving all the problems and doing all the work.  

Sharing Wisdom Effectively

Communicating your wisdom and insights to others in a way that is understandable and relatable can be difficult, especially when dealing with abstract or profound concepts. 

Remaining Open to Learning

Even as a Transcender, there is always more to learn and discover. Staying open to new perspectives and experiences is essential for continued growth. 

Resisting Complacency

Avoiding complacency and stagnation is a constant challenge. Continue to seek growth and evolution rather than resting on past achievements. 

Find out where you are in the Cycle of Transcendence HERE


Tips for Moving through the Transcender Stage


Navigating Paradoxes

Transcenders often encounter paradoxes and contradictions in their understanding of reality. Learning to embrace these paradoxes and find meaning within them is an ongoing challenge.

Continual Self-Reflection

Maintaining a commitment to ongoing self-reflection can be challenging. It’s essential to keep evolving and deepening your understanding, even when you’ve reached a transcendent state.

Staying Grounded

Remaining grounded and connected to everyday life while experiencing higher states of consciousness can be a delicate balance to maintain.

Maintaining Compassion

As you evolve, it’s important to maintain compassion and empathy for those at different stages of their own journeys. Avoid becoming judgmental or detached from the struggles of others.

Balancing Inner Peace with Outer Action

Finding the equilibrium between inner peace and taking action in the external world can be complex. Your journey involves both self-realisation and contributing to positive change.

Maintaining a Sense of Purpose

Sustaining a sense of purpose and direction after achieving a transcendent state can sometimes be elusive. Keeping your focus and motivation alive is essential.

Find out where you are in the Cycle of Transcendence HERE


Does a deeper, more holistic approach to inner work resonate with you? 

If so, then take a look at our programmes designed to meet the Transcender at their stage in the journey. Discover how you can use the power of spiritual knowledge and ancient wisdom to move to the next stage of transcendent awakening.





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