The Cycle of Transcendent Awakening

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

How do we change into what we "want" to become?

There’s a saying that the only constant is change. The universe is always in motion and always growing. In nature, business, life and almost everywhere change happens in distinct and predictable cycles, yet when it comes to our own personal development people seem to strive for a status quo, a “balance” and it’s this desire for balance that can actually unbalance us.

Throughout our lives we constantly change and transform. You’re not the same person you were when you were a baby or a child or a teenager or a few years ago, or even last week!

The 7 Stages of Evolution

The cycle of transcendent awakening has 7 steps or stages. Each brings it’s own opportunities and joys, as well as it’s unique challenges. If you’re feeling stuck, just remember, there is a way through it. You may just need to know where you’re currently at in the cycle, and prepare yourself for what comes next.

These are the 7 stages of Transcendent Awakening:

(Click on each stage to learn more) 

The good news is that once you understand the cycle of evolution change becomes easy.  Evolution happens in a cycle with distinct stages. Each stage has its own gifts, challenges and signs.  When you know where you are in the cycle and what’s coming next, transformation becomes easy, predictable and best of all, FUN.

We encourage you to explore these 7 stages by understanding their unique challenges and potential tips for moving through to the next stage.  

Find out where you are in the Cycle of Transcendence HERE.

The most important thing to note is that this is a cycle or spiral of evolution, not a ladder.

The end of one cycle becomes the beginning of the next, only at a higher level. Rather than a ladder to reach the top of and gloat or bask in the glory of “arriving”. Evolution is infinite, and that this is just a cycle to go round and round and round. 

Each successive journey becoming more and more awakened, and evolved, whilst knowing that there’s always more to learn.

This is a cycle you’ll have been around many times in the past so you will have some familiarity with each stage. When you complete our Cycle of Transcendence Quiz, you’ll receive a score. This score shows you which stage you’re predominantly working with right now, but in order to fully understand your current stage it also helps to have the context of the whole cycle.

 Find out where you are in the Cycle of Transcendence HERE

Does a deeper, more holistic approach to inner work resonate with you? 

If so, then take a look at our programmes designed to meet you at whichever stage you’re at in your journey. Discover how you can use the power of spiritual knowledge and ancient wisdom to move to the next stage of transcendent awakening.



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