Stage 3 – Seeker As a seeker you have questions you want answers. The Seeker stage represents your transformative journey fuelled by unquenchable curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. You are characterized by your open-mindedness, willingness to explore new ideas, and a profound desire for personal transformation. You embark […]
The Cycle of Transcendence
Stage 6 – Warrior As the warrior, you stand at the threshold of transformation, ready to breathe life into your grand vision. With unwavering courage flowing through your veins, you march forth, resolute in the face of challenges and obstacles that await. Your heart beats with the rhythm of your […]
Stage 1 – Harmonizer The first stage of evolution, known as the Harmonizer, is characterised by a strong inclination to maintain harmony, stability, and the status quo in one’s life. Individuals in this stage tend to accept their existing worldview without questioning it, often resisting any notions that challenge their […]
Stage 5 – Visionary As the Visionary, you are a dreamer with a crystal-clear vision of an extraordinary future waiting to be realized. Fuelled by ambition and a strong sense of purpose, you hold the power to inspire and captivate those around you. With great leaps in understanding and creativity, […]
Stage 7 – Transcender A Transcender is an individual who has reached the highest stage of personal growth and self-realization. They possess a remarkable set of qualities that distinguish them as extraordinary beings. Transcenders exhibit a profound sense of autonomy, making decisions based on their values and beliefs rather than […]
How do we change into what we “want” to become? There’s a saying that the only constant is change. The universe is always in motion and always growing. In nature, business, life and almost everywhere change happens in distinct and predictable cycles, yet when it comes to our own personal […]
Stage 2 – Awakening Awakening starts with noticing things that don’t quite seem to fit your current understanding or model of the world. You thought you knew how things worked, but strange things start to happen. You might just find yourself being surprised by people behaving in ways that you […]
Stage 4 – Liminality The Liminality stage marks a pivotal and often disorienting phase in the evolutionary cycle. At this stage, you find yourself standing at the threshold of profound change, acutely aware that the old way of life, beliefs, and paradigms no longer serve your evolving self. The doors […]