The Tapestry of Self: Finding Direction Within and Without

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

Ever wonder who you really are, or what your tapestry of self is?

In the intricate mosaic of life, the answer is woven into the fabric of countless moments, ranging from the laughter shared with friends to the heated arguments with parents.

You are the symphony of emotions that dance through the chattering of young children and the comforting warmth of kind strangers. Inside, you bear the stitching from cracked hearts, the echoes of bitter words from heated arguments, and the melody of emotions that words fail to convey.

You are, in essence, the culmination of all the people you have encountered and the myriad experiences that have shaped you. Each moment, a thread contributes to the intricate tapestry of your being.

Do you delve inward, exploring the depths of your own complexities, or do you seek reassurance from the external world?

The internal journey invites introspection, a chance to navigate the labyrinth of your thoughts and emotions. It beckons you to find solace in the depth of your own being, embracing the entirety of your existence, including the scars and melodies within.

On the contrary, seeking outward reassurance can be a beacon in the storm of uncertainty. Connecting with others, drawing on the collective wisdom of shared experiences, and finding solace in the embrace of kindred spirits can offer a profound sense of grounding.

As we navigate the ebb and flow of life, perhaps the key lies in a delicate balance — a dance between introspection and external connection. Embracing the beautiful contradictions within, acknowledging the stitches and melodies that constitute you, and finding strength in both the internal and external realms can be a powerful guide through the journey of self-discovery.

Seeking out a coach or mentor to guide you through this self-discovery can be key. When you’re supported within the correct environment for growth, you can fly like a butterfly. We know all about creating the perfect environment for growth here at CETfreedom. Our coaching team are experienced in CET, Conscious Emotional Transformation, which will help you to let go of painful emotions and blocks, as well as installing new pathways to allow for and make the growth easy.

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