I KNEW IT! – The science behind knowing without knowing

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

I flumped onto my sofa with a fed-up sigh. Fed up. I’d wasted the day. My plans for going to see a friend in the midlands had come to nothing. I’d been about to leave when something seemed to pull me back to my flat. Rather than packing my car and getting on the motorway, I’d unpacked, gone back inside and sent my pathetic apologies. I couldn’t explain it, but I just had to go back home. So, I did. Not knowing why.

I spent the day doing nothing much, and by evening, bored, dissatisfied, annoyed with myself, I turned on the TV and saw images on the news. It was carnage! Another huge motorway pile-up on the M25. Multiple fatalities, horrific injuries, shocked and distressed people were interviewed.

I watched as the story unfolded and realised with a terrifying horror that had I left when I’d planned to, I would have been there then, at that time. I might have been involved in that accident. My tiny city car would have been mashed with me in it.

Feeling terrible for those involved, I felt something strange wash over me.

What exactly had forced me back into my flat?

All I had known was that I HAD to stay home!

Somehow, I knew it! But had no idea how!

Other instances flashed up

How had I known where to put the sensors on the rig that led to my PhD thesis? Something I’d found really hard to answer. How was it I ALWAYS knew which sensor had broken? I never needed to check all 114 of them. I just put my hand out, and pointed to the one that needed checking, and I was right. The factory foreman called me a witch! I said it was just skill, but I’d been lying. I didn’t want anyone to know that I seemed to be tapped into something — the Nature of Intuition.

Understanding the mechanisms behind intuition, or knowing without knowing, is an area of increasing interest in the realm of neuroscience and psychology. There is a profound sensation familiar to many — a moment when you grasp a concept, receive a solution, or recognise a truth, without prior reasoning or evident rationale. This “I F’n knew it!” moment, so common yet also misunderstood. How does the human brain do this? Is it repeatable? Reliable? Trainable? Trustworthy?

Intuition is hardwired into us

We all have it, but not everyone uses or trusts it.

The neuroscience of intuition is complex and not yet fully understood from a purely scientific perspective, but we do have some clues.

Now’s the time to tap into your intuition and learn more about the science of knowing but not knowing.

  • Reconnect you with your inner guidance system.
  • Embrace the power of your intuition!
  • Find out how to clear energy blocks to navigate life with more confidence and clarity.

Will you stay trapped in a world of self-doubt, overwhelm, and “paralysis-by-analysis”?

The choice is yours. And the time is NOW.


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