The voice inside our heads, our inner critic, can be our greatest ally or fiercest foe. For many of us, the voice tends to lean towards the negative, criticizing us for our imperfections and setbacks. Envision how much more we could achieve if we could harness the power of that […]
Can you relate to this? You’ve done the work, you’ve found success, you have great coping strategies, you’ve worked through your trauma. In a crisis, you’re the person others rely on. Everyone comes to you as their trusted source of comfort, support and advice. You’re the rock that others lean […]
When our circumstances change or we experience adversity, how quickly we can bounce back depends on a variety of factors that make up our inner emotional resilience. Liz Truss has made herself infamous as the shortest-serving PM in 200 years. By any standard, that’s not an accolade many would be proud […]
Life can deliver blows that will knock you straight to the ground. One of our clients recently shared a belief that absolutely broke our hearts… “I used to believe I didn’t deserve to live.” This wasn’t a conscious thought before she came to the CET team. It was an underlying […]