Mothering Sunday can be a difficult day for those whose mothers have dementia. As one of my client’s whose beloved mum has dementia said: “It’s an ill wind that doesn’t favour someone”. What does she mean by that? Well, by her own admission, mum would say that since having dementia, […]
mother's day
Mothering Sunday can be a complicated and emotional day for step mums. You may be unsure of how to navigate this day and feel like you’re walking on eggshells. Here are some tips on how to handle Mothering Sunday as a step mum: Mothering Sunday can be a complicated day […]
Mothering Sunday is a day to celebrate the love and appreciation for all the hard work and dedication that goes into being a parent. However, if you are a single parent, it can be challenging to navigate this day on your own. Let’s face it, it’s more often the dad […]
Mothering Sunday is a day to celebrate and honour motherhood. However, for mothers who have lost a child, this day can be especially difficult. It can bring up a range of emotions, including sadness, grief, and longing. Here are some tips on how to handle Mothering Sunday if you have […]
Mothering Sunday can be a difficult day for those who are struggling with infertility. It is a day that celebrates motherhood, which can be a painful reminder of the inability to conceive. If you are infertile, here are some tips to help you handle Mothering Sunday: Mothering Sunday can be […]
Mother’s Day is a special day meant to celebrate and honour mothers, but if you have a difficult relationship with your mum of if you’re currently in the midst of what feels like a feud with their mum, the day can be challenging. It can be tough to face the […]
Mothering Sunday is a day of celebration for mothers and all that they do for their children. But, for those whose mothers struggle with alcoholism, this day can be fraught with difficulties. Alcoholism wreaks havoc in all relationships. Mothers are no exception. Children of alcoholics have often done more caring […]
Mother’s Day can be a challenging time for those who have lost their mothers. It can evoke feelings of sadness, loneliness, and longing. While it’s essential to acknowledge and honour these emotions, it’s also crucial to take care of yourself and practice self-compassion. It might be tempting to try to […]