Most thoughts are not your own

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

The law of attraction, esoteric magic, quantum theory and studies of the mind accept that we create our reality based on our thoughts.

So why is it that we can think the perfect reality in our minds, focus on our goals, positive outcomes and what we want all day and night, and yet STILL manifest a load of problems in our life? Why don’t we manifest what we want? Why do people treat us badly? If we’ve all been thinking such positive thoughts, why are we in the worst recession for years? Why is that? Why do bad things happen even when you have been thinking good things?

The answer is that many of our thoughts are not consciously generated. As many as 99% of our thoughts are out of our conscious awareness. It is impossible to become conscious of all our thoughts, so we need other ways of controlling and mastering them.

In addition to those unconscious thoughts, we are also bombarded with “thought-forms” from around us.

Every thought we think is radiated out into the universe. When you combine a strong thought with a high energy it is called a “thought-form”. It is as if the thought has taken form. Which it does. It takes form in your mind, which affects your emotions, and then takes form in physical reality.

This is fine if the thought is what you want. But what if it is a thought that you don’t want?


The power of a thought-form to penetrate your mind depends on several things: its energy, your energy, your thoughts and your emotions.

Everyone is sending out thought-forms all the time. Although many are sent out without the sender even being aware of what they are doing, they can be used consciously. The power of a thought-form can be increased with certain energy techniques, and they can be used to heal or to harm.

If your energy is “higher” than the thoughts-form, it will bounce off you, but when your energy is “lower” than these thoughts, you can absorb it and start thinking it as if it were your own. You may never know where the thought came from.

Do’s and don’t’s for staying immune to harmful thought forms:

Do raise your energy. Ha Breathing is a great way to do this.

Don’t waste your energy on protection. Creating a barrier of protection requires energy to create and maintain, so in the long run it will drain your energy further. Instead, focus on keeping your energy high and clear.

Do meditate to increase your spiritual energy and mental clarity.

Don’t accept the thoughts and beliefs of others. Any time you hear a belief or thought that you know will limit you in some way, make a conscious choice to ignore it.

Do become aware of your emotions. Keep an emotional journal. Every time you feel an emotion, positive or negative, detail the time, situation and what caused you to choose to feel that emotion. This will help you to track your internal thoughts and the external triggers for your emotional responses.

Don’t blame others. Any time you blame others, you weaken your energy. In fact, you are giving your energy to them when you do this, and it increases their ability to send you thought-forms. This is true even for people you don’t know, e.g. the government, or those in the financial services industry. Don’t feed them with your energy.

Do take responsibility for your own thoughts and emotions. You have a choice about every thought you think and every emotion you feel. No-one else is in charge of your mind or feelings, you are.

Don’t blame yourself. Your current situation was created in the past. If you knew then what you knew now, you would not have created this, but you didn’t know, so blaming yourself is self-destructive. Blaming yourself for your past choices stops you from taking action and making better choices.

Do start making better choices by increasing your awareness and self-awareness. Pay attention to your experiences, life and how you feel. Any time you feel an emotion, ask yourself what caused you to choose to feel that way.

Don’t deny the way you feel, or suppress your emotions. If you feel a negative or painful thought, allow yourself to feel it and learn to identify the source of your emotions. To replace negative thoughts with positive thinking is like sticking a smiley sticker over the empty petrol gauge on the dashboard of your car, or to turn the radio up to drown out the worrying noise from the engine.

Negative emotions can be a sign that you need to take action. Pay attention to the emotions you feel and ask yourself what action you could take to prevent or solve a problem.


Dr Lisa Turner

How do you know at what level your spiritual vibration is? Take this short quiz to discover your Spiritual Vibration Score:


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