Getting Unstuck | Awaken Your Highest Self

Get Unstuck with CETfreedom
- Move forward with joy!

Are you hitting a mental or emotional brick wall?

Being stuck doesn’t look the same for every person. What does being stuck mean for you? Have the things you used to find easy become harder more recently? 

It might be a creative block, a career plateau, relationship challenges, or a general lack of direction. Whatever form it takes, our first step is to help you identify and understand your specific challenges, including any energy blocks that may be hindering your flow and growth.

This understanding is crucial in developing a plan to navigate your way out of this mental and emotional impasse. We unite the spiritual and scientific aspects of your experience, exploring chakras, energy fields, and the subconscious mind to uncover and reset the root causes of your blockages.

Being stuck looks like...

You don't need fixing
- just a quickfire way to rebalance emotions

The psychology of the mind concept wide angle with lens ball and sunset background

Overcoming feeling stuck isn’t just about beating the odds or working hard; it’s also about the balance in your mind and how open you are to change, growth and your evolution as a human being. 

Often, what keeps us stuck isn’t a willingness to try or lack of motivation; it is the limiting beliefs and patterns we’ve held onto, sometimes without even realising it.

Our programs and resources are designed to help you identify these barriers and break free from the hold they have over you, empowering you to take the next step and finally start living a life that is more aligned with your true self. 

The beauty of the CET method is in its simplicity. It quickly reveals any hidden obstacles to getting inspired again, rebalancing the energy of what you were holding onto in the unconscious mind.

Step 1
The Cycle of Transcendence

At CETfreedom, we first find out where you are in our Cycle of Transcendence: a seven-stage cycle that outlines where each person is in their own awakening journey. With the support of our team and community, you can navigate each of the 7 stages with greater purpose and resilience, meeting life’s greatest roadblocks head-on with a clear and balanced mind.

Step 3
Join Our Membership

With a free trial for a month, we want you to feel safe to explore if we are the right guides and spiritual travelling companions for you,  so you can join free, meet me and the team and discover, risk free, if you’re in the right place. 


Why do we get stuck in a rut?
There is no one reason why we find ourselves stuck in a rut. It can be anything from a fear of change, being overwhelmed and burnt out or a limited mindset. But these can all be a symptom of something else happening at an unconscious level. When we are disconnected from our spiritual selves or our life’s purpose, it can cause an energy imbalance, leading to feeling lost, aimless, or stuck in a rut, as we lack a deeper sense of direction and fulfilment.
Can CET help me get my spark back?
Yes! We literally call it a ‘reset’ in the way it can help the mind get rid of the emotional pain it is holding onto. Our CET method works every time, and once you know the process, you’ll be able to instantly clear blocks on your own as they arise. Not only will this process help to get your spark back, but it is your ‘fast lane’ option to return to your confident, creative and present self.
What are the physical effects of feeling stuck?
When we’re in a state of mental or emotional stagnation, it often manifests in physical symptoms as well. Muscle tension, aches and pains and gastrointestinal problems are some of the physical symptoms that can arise from carrying a mental or emotional load for too long. Addressing the underlying feelings of being stuck by clearing blocks as well as lifestyle changes can help alleviate these physical symptoms and improve overall well-being.
Does feeling stuck go away on its own?
Feeling stuck is frequently a sign that change is necessary, whether in one’s mindset, habits, environment, or relationships. Without taking steps towards change, the situation is unlikely to improve. It can subside, but the feelings will always come back.

Does a deeper, more holistic approach to inner work resonate with you? 

If so, then take a look at our programmes and discover how you can use the power of spiritual knowledge and ancient wisdom to transform your current situation.


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