Freethinkers create the world

Picture of Dr Lisa Turner

Dr Lisa Turner

World renowned visionary, author, high-performance mindset trainer for coaches to elevate skills, empower clients to achieve their maximum potential

Do you ever pause to consider that everything that has ever been invented, even if it’s now in common use and an accepted standard for basic life, was once considered new, radical and unthinkable?

The obvious ones are smartphones, the car (horseless carriage), the Internet, the PC, many medications and drugs, which are now considered commonplace. We grumble when they’re NOT available! 

Yet once they were ridiculed, scorned, disparaged and rejected as crackpot. I was at a conference where I heard a speaker tell us that the Internet would never catch on.

A computer manufacturer once said that they saw no demand for personal computers, yet we all carry one in our handbag or pocket now.

This is also true of social constructs. For example, homosexuality used to be illegal and was considered immoral, and now, thankfully, it’s not only accepted, but embraced and celebrated. The sexuality spectrum is literally, a beautiful rainbow.

Women once couldn’t own property, or vote. Now inequality is illegal and socially unacceptable (in most of the world, sadly not yet across the globe).

It all starts with a willingness to question the status quo.

It starts with an idea.

It starts with a question – “Is there a better way?”

So my question for you is what force for good do you want to start or get behind?

What change do you dream of but fear to share because you believe it may be ridiculed, disparaged or rejected?

What’s your vision?

Start to allow your vision to brighten.

Nurture your vision.

Surround yourself with people who will support you and your vision.

Are you a visionary?

With love,

Dr. Lisa Turner

Come share your vision on our Facebook page

Create your new reality. Find out more on our CETfreedom web page


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